Tonight was the town planning board meeting where they had our property on the docket. It was open for anyone who had a grievance or had issues with the division of the property to come and air them in public. No one came. But me. (Jim) :-)
It was quick and informal, after following all the procedures they talked more about the fact that Sliker Hill Rd used to be known as Henderson Flats Rd than they did about the actual property. They were guessing that Henderson Flats Rd was the name back in the early 20th century or something.
The long and the short of it is now the Town has approved the lot division, and the County has said that they see no issues with it, so our next step is to take all the signed docs up to the county and talk about driveways. Since the driveway comes out on a County Rd, apparently there's more approvals to be had. Onward and upward!
Town Planning Forum - Division Approved!
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
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