Week 8, Day 51 - Upper Walls!

LOTS of progress today! Holy rafters, batman! :-) Many of the walls for the upstairs are now in place! The main level is opening up now that they have removed the braces crisscrossing the area. It's looking like a house!

It looks *very* tall from this angle!

First view from the living room to the dining room without all of the supports in the way!

Kitchen's view of the dining room

Dining Room's view of the kitchen

My office

From my office towards the kitchen...

The laundry room

Gigi's room!

Master Bedroom

I know it's normal, but it's still funny to see a tub/shower unit sitting in a half-finished house!

And finally, they started framing up the entryway!


Our "Scrapbook"

I've never been proficient at scrapbooking, but I wanted a way of capturing the building of our new home. A blog is the perfect way for two "techies" to accomplish the artistry of capturing memories.

We moved from the Midwest to the East Coast in October 2008. We found our building site in November 2008, and broke ground in October 2009.

Henceforth, The Building of Blackthorn Ridge.