Week 15, Day 100 - Color!

So today we started to see some color appear in the upstairs rooms. Tim did most of the work on getting the cement board down, and I helped when I could between runs to the store for coffee and supplies. The tile is all moved into the house, and Tim got a start on the plywood.

Keith (framer) showed up today to do a bit of tweaking on the stair framing, and one of the electricians stopped by to just check how everything is going. Mike did a little re-working on the stairs to free up a bit more space for ductwork in the basement. Here's a few pics of the current state of the house:

Having it painted makes it look soo much more like something we can move into! :-)

Primer, tinted to match the final paint color. Nice!

One of the painters, working his magic...

Tim putting down plywood...

The cement board in the mud room

Since it's Day 100, I thought I'd step back in time a bit to show how fast things have progressed and what a great job Wallman Homes has done for us!

10 Days ago, the drywallers were putting the mud on the drywall seams...

20 Days ago, the drywallers were finished installing the drywall upstairs and were just starting on the downstairs.

30 Days ago, the house had just become fully enclosed, and the electricians were pulling their wires...

40 Days ago, Keith and his crew were just putting the entryway on the house...

50 Days ago, Keith and his crew were just starting on the second floor sheathing, having just completed setting all of the joists...

60 Days ago, Keith and the crew were getting the walls of the main level of the house up.

70 Days ago, the main beams in the basement were being set in place...

80 Days ago, the footers had just been poured...

90 Days ago, the driveway was getting is covering of gravel...
(remember we had a number of days of delay due to road resurfacing out front)

100 Days ago, the driveway was just getting started...

Happy Day 100!


Kjersten, Steve, Aitugan & Nurai January 29, 2010 at 2:43 PM  

Truly amazing to see how quickly everything has come together on your house. I loved the 10 day countdown backwards that you posted today. Incredible reminder of the amount of work that has been done in such a short amount of time! Wonderful : )

Our "Scrapbook"

I've never been proficient at scrapbooking, but I wanted a way of capturing the building of our new home. A blog is the perfect way for two "techies" to accomplish the artistry of capturing memories.

We moved from the Midwest to the East Coast in October 2008. We found our building site in November 2008, and broke ground in October 2009.

Henceforth, The Building of Blackthorn Ridge.